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Shackelford County Courthouse
Shackelford County Commissioners voted to extend the burn ban this morning for 45 days, due to the threat of high winds through March and into April. If conditions warrant, the Court will rescind the order at a later time.
Shackelford County Commissioners voted to extend the burn ban this morning for 45 days, due to the threat of high winds through March and into April. If conditions warrant, the Court will rescind the order at a later time.

Welcome to Shackelford County, Texas.

New County Information



The Shackelford County Commissioners voted this morning (March 10, 2025) to place a ban on open burning for the next two weeks. The winds of the past days and statewide experience are factors as well as the forecast for wind gusts this week, some reaching 80 mph. Of course no local restrictions will curtail possible electric line downages, due to wind, that could ignite a wildfire, but we can reduce the risk by reducing personal activities while wind risks are so high. The Commissioners Court will revisit the issue on March 24. The Court does not enjoy putting restrictions on its citizens.

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Courthouse Hours of Operation

Effective January 1, 2018, the Shackelford County Courthouse will have the following hours of operation:

Mondays – Thursdays:
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM; 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM; 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

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Shackelford County, Texas

We look forward to serving you.
Click here for information about the founding and history of Shackelford County, Texas.

If we can answer specific questions, please contact us through the email address shown on appropriate county office page, give us a call at 325-762-9400 or come by our offices in the historic Shackelford County Courthouse at 225 South Main Street in the center of downtown Albany, Texas.